Mayor Güngör Announced on Live Broadcast

Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Hayrettin Güngör evaluated the book fair live on Aksu TV on the last day of Kahramanmaraş 6th Book and Culture Fair and said that the fair will be held more comprehensively in the coming years.

Mayor Güngör, pointing out that Kahramanmaraş is the capital of literature and poetry said that: "Our Kahramanmaraş is the capital of the poetry and literature. It is the capital of many other things as well. Kahramanmaraş, which has hosted many civilizations for more than 7,000 years, is the capital of Dulkadiroğlu, the capital of gastronomy, the capital of ice cream, and also the capital of poetry and literature. We organized the 6th book and culture fair, one of the most important events among our poetry and literature events, it continued for 10 days and came to the end. I have visited this place many times. During these visits, I spoke with our citizens, publishers and writers. Seeing their satisfaction, we also got very happy, I congratulate all my co-workers who have contributed to this event from the very beginning.”