The Metropolitan Didn't Forget

Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality did not forget Kahramanmaraş lover, valuable Minstrel M. Hanifi Sarıyıldız, who wrote his poems under the pen name "Dostozan", on the anniversary of his death.

"Dostozan (M. Hanifi Sarıyıldız) Commemoration Program" was organized by Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality on Saturday, 21 December at 19.30. In the commemoration program held on the anniversary of his death at the Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Cultural Center; Atilla Sarıyıldız, Ramazan Avcı, Serdar Yakar, Hanifi Yılmaz, Celalettin Kurt, Tahir Görenli, Salman Kapanoğlu and Mehmet Yaşar took part as speakers. Dostozan's family as well as his fans attended the commemoration program.

In the program, Ramazan Avcı talked about Dostozan's poetic side. Serdar Yakar, Hanifi Yılmaz, Tahir Görenli, Salman Kapanoğlu and Mehmet Yaşar recited Dostozan's poems. Celalettin Kurt sang his three folk songs composed from Dostozan's poems.

At the end of the program, Dostozan's son Atilla Sarıyıldız made a statement: “I would like to thank our Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality and Dulkadiroğlu Municipality for their efforts in our program to commemorate my father Dostozan. I welcome you, our friends, who do not leave us alone here today, and I embrace you all with love. I would like to express my endless gratitude to all the participants who talked about my father and read his poems here," he said and presented various gifts to the participants.