Hamle began its publication life for the first time in November 1952 with the publication of its first issue in Kahramanmaraş. The administrative place of Hamle is Maraş High School. The first issue was published in the Alpaylar Matbaası in Maraş and presented to the readers. Move literally means breakthrough. The publishers of the magazine also emphasized that they would not be content with this meaning alone in the first issue, but that they would produce in-depth works. They also expressed how idealistic they were while introducing themselves as a magazine that was established with the aim of reaching people with valuable ideas that could not be put into practice and making the whole humanity aware of these ideas.
Based on the information in the first issue of Hamle, we see that the first owner was S. Sabri Aytemiz. When we look at the next issues, we see that Hüseyin Özçelik took over the magazine. Abdürrezzak Doğuç was responsible for the management of the editorial affairs. Hamle was published in 22 issues in total. We see that Hamle includes many authors and poets who are famous in art and literature:
“Jacques Prevert, M. Nuri Pakdil, Yaşar Nabi Nayır, Salah Birsel, Sezai Karakoç, Ergün Barlas, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, Samim Kocagöz, Özdemir İnce, Şevket Yücel, Cahit Zarifoğlu, Alaeddin Özdenören, Rasim Özdenören, Erdem Bayazıt and Şevket Yücel…” are among the authors whose works were published in Hamle.