For years, İkindiyazıları was Türkiye's most original, civil and warmest magazine in terms of its content, preparation for publication and distribution. And in my opinion, the İkindiyazıları was unique because of these qualities and will always remain unique under the principle of non-repeatability of the same thing.
My dear friend Mehmet Ali Zengin (Nedim Ali), who migrated to the eternal realm at a young age, was running the Sanat Matbaası, the only printing house of the district, in the Andırın district of Kahramanmaraş, and was publishing the Andırın Postası newspaper, which he started publish in 1984 on his own. M. Ali Zengin used various pseudonyms, especially "Nedim Ali", to prepare all the articles and news of the newspaper, had them sorted, printed and distributed. At these stages, he himself was actually participating in the work. Andırın Postası was printed with a very old machine, one of which is now in the press museum, whose lead letters were arranged by hand. It was necessary to work for four days to print a four-page weekly newspaper on this machine, which could only print one page at a time.
When Kamil Aydoğan, one of the writers of the magazine "Edebiyat", published under the direction of Nuri Pakdil, was appointed as the high school principal in the district, with some encouragement from him, they decided to organize the inner pages of the newspaper as art-literature pages every fifteen days. In the copy of the other week, these inner pages were again reserved to the poems of the folk poets. By the way, I would like to mention that, through this page, folk poets in various cities were doing call-and-response duets with each other, asking questions, riddles and writing nazires to each other. The pages of art also had a special name, the name they decided on while they were sitting on low chairs in a small tea house drinking tea after an afternoon, which would remain on Türkiye's literary agenda for the next ten years was İkindiyazıları.
İkindiyazıları, which was published on the inner pages of the newspaper for two years under the direction of H. İsmail Yasin (Kâmil Aydoğan) and Nedim Ali, attracted the attention of poets and writers living in big cities even during this period. In particular, storyteller writer Kamil Doruk from İstanbul and poet Arif Ay from Ankara, Yunus Develi (Yusufoğlu), Recep Garip, Şaban Abak, Ayşe Altan, M. Akif Kireçci were some of the first signatures whose products were seen in this period of İkindiyazıları.
It started to be published in the form of a stand-alone magazine and sent to readers together with the newspaper as a free art and literature supplement of the Andırın Postası newspaper as of 1987. Since then, many new signatures had been added to the İkindiyazıları, which was printed as four pages on yellow paper half the size of a newspaper. In addition to the above, we find it useful to recall some of these signatures in order to see more clearly the great contribution of the humble İkindiyazıları to our literature:
Hüseyin Atlansoy, Cevdet Karal, Kemal Sayar, Şahin Taş, Mevlana İdris, İbrahim Kiras, Nurullah Genç, Hakan Albayrak, Cihan Aktaş, Fatma Şengil, M. Fatih Uğurlu, Mehmet Efe, Mustafa Aydoğan, Serap Ural, Hâlime Toros, Gökhan Özcan, Rahmi Kaya, Murat Yalçın, Kâmil Yeşil, Fikri Özçelikçi, Nazir Akalın and İhsan Durdu. Almost none of the young poets and writers in this powerful staff had a book published at that time. İkindiyazıları also served as a square and school for them, where they could test themselves before the reader. Today, the majority of the names listed above continue their interest in literature in a more proficient way. Almost all of them have one or more books published. They appear in all author dictionaries and anthologies.
However, İkindiyazıları could not escape from being the focus of some doubts at the time of its publication. Based on the prejudice that such a magazine could not be published in Andırın, some people made some assumptions that later turned out to be meaningless. One of these, and the most important, was the suspicion that the names of poets and authors might be fabricated and that the articles there might be published as if they were written by the editors of the magazine and sent from İstanbul or Ankara. Thereupon, starting from the September 1987 issue, the biography of an artist among those who wrote frequently in the magazine began to be announced on the first page under the title "Authentication in İkindiyazıları". The first announcement included the biographies of Kamil Aydoğan (H. İsmail Yasin) and Mehmet Ali Zengin (Nedim Ali). In these biographies consisting of three or four sentences, Kamil Aydoğan's job was stated as managing the İkindiyazıları, and it was emphasized that he worked in education management as his second job. In the next issues, Yunus Develi, Şaban Abak, Fikri Özçelikçi, Recep Karip, Mevlana İdris and other signatures were introduced respectively. Thus, it was revealed that the authors of İkindiyazıları, whose poems and stories, essays and translations attracted great attention, but who were not known to the public, were not virtual but real.
It was thought that the works of the authors whose names were known to the public were not published in İkindiyazıları for the first time and may have been taken from other magazines. For example, there were some people asking Kamil Aydoğan, from which magazine or book you took Arif Ay's series of poems titled "İmha Şiirleri", the first of which was published in the issue dated May 20, 1986. However, the magazine choice of Arif Ay for these poems published for the first time was İkindiyazıları.
The reviews and interviews conducted by Şaban Abak, Mevlana İdris and Feramuz Aydoğan, who passed away when he was young as a result of an unfortunate accident, were also published in the magazine. Rasim Özdenören, Erdem Bayazıt, Arif Ay, Fehmi Koru, Latife Tekin, M. Ruhi Şirin and Hilmi Yavuz were some of the speakers. Literary journalism in Türkiye was initially an occupation carried out by artists gathered around a poet or author whose mastery was recognized by their contemporaries. Yaprak, Varlık, Büyük Doğu, Diriliş, and Edebiyat were among such magazines. On the other hand, Nedim Ali and Kamil Aydoğan, who prepared İkindiyazıları, did not have such a claim even though they passed the products through a certain filter, and the products were already under constant attention by readers and writers. This led the author to more or less self-control. Those who could not do this were in the number that could be in any magazine, and today they are already forgotten.
The magazines are usually published by fellow author circle. But the authors and readers of İkindiyazıları formed a huge group of friends through the magazine. Because, in the beginning, new readers could only reach the magazine, which was sent away free of charge to a small number of distinguished poets and authors by the late Nedim Ali along with the newspaper every month, with a reference letter from an old reader. The poet and painter Ömer Aksay directed the magazine in the final period (1993-94) before the ending of its publication. This period, which was immediately noticed that a lot of attention was paid from the choice of paper color to the page design, from the variety of writing to the choice of writing and poetry, was the last period of the İkindiyazıları, as it reminded me of the saying that ‘the sudden flow of water indicates that it will stop’. Poet Ömer Aksay immediately made the dominant and decisive quality of his artistic attitude felt in this period of İkindiyazıları, and this attitude also caused various discussions in literary circles.
The circulation of the weekly Andırın Postası newspaper was around 300. However, once every four weeks, this number had increased to 700, then to 1500-2000, due to the great interest in the "monthly art supplement". It was clear that the financial burden, as well as its great inconvenience, put a heavy burden on Nedim Ali's budget. Even the packing and sending fee of 2,000 magazines and newspapers each month cost a large sum. I had brought this subject up to the late Nedim Ali a couple of times and suggested some formulas to share the financial burden with fellow readers. In particular, I insisted that the magazine be removed from being a "free supplement" and offered for sale as an independent magazine, albeit at a cheap price. The deceased's reply was unforgettable: “My dear Şaban, you came and saw it, we publish this magazine with such great effort and devotion that we cannot sell it for money and no one can afford to buy it.” This was an important difference of İkindiyazıları, that there was no monetary reward that it demanded from the reader, because it was too valuable to be bought with money.
İkindiyazıları became the most influential and well-loved magazine, which was mentioned frequently, especially between 1986-1992, at a time when Diriliş in 1983 and Edebiyat in 1984 ceased publication and Mavera magazine lost its former vitality. After 1988, even magazines reminiscent of İkindiyazıları in style and size, but not effective and long-lasting, were published. Albatros, which was closed after one year of publication in 1989 among magazines such as Ayane, Kültür-Edebiyat, Çete and Albatros, became the most admired and read magazine of this period after İkindiyazıları.
The story of İkindiyazıları is also instructive in that it shows that literary magazine publishing can only be possible if a good hearted banner-bearer like Nedim Ali comes forwards with love and gives constantly, without expecting to receive.
Hereby, I wish God's mercy on my dear brother Nedim Ali, and I pray that he will be one of the youth of Paradise as a reward for his youth, which he had dedicated to community service.
İkindiyazıları, which was published as a culture-literature page in Andırın Postası, one of the local newspapers of the Andırın district of Kahramanmaraş, had been published in the form of a literature-centered independent magazine since its 57th issue in 1987. The manager and owner of the magazine is Mehmet Ali Zengin, aka Nedim Ali. Mevlâna İdris Zengin, regarding the name of İkindiyazıları, which was printed on yellow paper in half the size of a newspaper under the editorship of Nedim Ali and H. İsmail Yasin (Kâmil Aydoğan), states that such a name was chosen for the magazine because the time of “İkindi” (afternoon) is identified with the times when human life matures and reaches perfection. This beautiful magazine, distributed from Kahramanmaraş/Andırın to all over Türkiye for ten years, played an important role in the sprouting and growth of many names in Turkish literature. It is seen that the first pen experiences of names such as Kemal Sayar, Erol Göka, Cevdet Karal, Baki Ayhan T. Gökhan Özcan, Hakan Albayrak take place in the İkindiyazıları, where most of the names we all know closely today passed through in their literary adventure. Interviews by Şaban Abak, Mevlana İdris and Feramuz Aydoğan were also published in the magazine during this period. Rasim Özdenören, Erdem Bayazıt, Arif Ay, Fehmi Koru, Latife Tekin, M. Ruhi Şirin and Hilmi Yavuz were among the interviewees.
İkindiyazıları have a feature that is not found in the magazines of that period or today. This feature is that the magazine was free. İkindiyazıları, which produced 131 issues during its publishing life between 1984 and 1994, was never paid. In an interview where he was asked “Why are the afternoon articles free?” Nedim Ali said that, “We do not sell our magazine for money. Because we put so much effort into this magazine that you can never buy this effort with money. There is no price to buy this.” And he kept this thought through the publication process of the magazine. Published with a heartfelt effort, İkindiyazıları ended its 10-year publication life with the 131st issue in October 1994. We commemorate the directors and authors of the İkindiyazıları with gratitude and appreciation.