A Library to Türkoğlu by Kitap Yaprağı Derneği

Kitap Yaprağı Eğitim Gelişim ve Farkındalık Derneği, whose headquarters is in Kahramanmaraş, successfully concluded the book collection campaign it started with the slogan of "For Sake of Change, Transformation and Value; Read, Think, Make a Difference" and established a library in Turgut Reis Multi-Program Anatolian High School located in Şekeroba Neighborhood of Türkoğlu district.

Kitap Yaprağı Eğitim Gelişim ve Farkındalık Derneği, which did not keep silent to the efforts of the Turgut Reis Multi-Program Anatolian High School in the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş started a campaign for the school library with the support of the Türkoğlu Municipality. The association, which seeks after reading, reaching to the meaning and conveying this meaning to others in Kahramanmaraş, the city of poets, proved once again that it is identified with the cultural dynamics of the city.

It was reported that the name of the library established will be Piyade Uzman Onbaşı Ahmet Saygılı (23), who was born in Kahramanmaraş Türkoğlu district and was martyred as a result of the air strike of the regime forces in Syria.