somehow the big tree remained on that bare mountain.
it spendssuccessive winters alone
he is alone in springs
he has sent a thousand and one arms to the earth
it is like a face that does not let his heart read.
It grow its leaves. It waits under the rising sun, accumulating over the summer from day to day. And when it starts to fall its leaves in the autumn, and it is strong-willed and complacent with the intoxicating troubles of loneliness like an old man trying to cure himself in his sickness and alone in his bed.
There was this big juniper with every child born. One or two of the old people said, "In our youth, its trunk was maybe a finger or two thinner", and no one remembered this word.
This tree had a place in the lives of all the surrounding villages. His great-grandfathers had named the region after it. The townspeople who went to the highland and hunting in that area had known that region for years. The children of those who went to the Durnalıada highland in autumn, when they heard its name for the first time at the age of seven or eight when they went the vineyards for the first time, understood where it was, even though it was not shown to them. The “Lonely juniper” was the name of a bare and wide slope of a huge mountain and a huge juniper tree standing in the middle of the bare slope.
The villagers of that region do not talk much.
If their soups are not brought hot to the table
They make fun of their wives with philosophical words.
There is definitely the Lonely Juniper in front of them
Wherever their roads go
The road, which should pass a few hundred meters under the tree according to the natural slope of the mountain, curves towards it when the time comes, widens around it, and the nearby land is trampled like a village square.
Within the natural slope of the mountain, the curve that allows the road, there is a second road that passes a few hundred meters under the tree. It is used on journeys where the heat of summer is not overwhelming and we are not tired or in a hurry. But it still looks like he's been stopped by.
It is like passing through the opening of a tomb.
There they realize the distance. There is as far a distance as Lonely Juniper to the village.
They have moved away from their village as far as the Lonely Juniper.
Let's say now that the villagers do not say Lonely Juniper as we say. The letter 'n' in the Yalnız (Lonely) word has dropped and the 'ı' has lengthened. And these two words (Yalnız (Lonely) and Ağaç (Tree) were combined with the help of this long "ı" and the name of the tree took the form of "yalıızardıç". Thus, it seems to have started its action of bringing together first from its own name. Therefore, if we have a sentence or two to say about the Lonely Juniper, let's use its name in this way.
Within the width of the bare mountain, which can only be seen from afar, the silhouette of the Yalıızardıç can be seen. Even this is enough to get started. Anyone who sees it for the first time, who approaches it, also begins to think. He begins to think in a way that he was not accustomed to until that day and that he could not think of his existence for the rest of his life. Because in this style, a few of those healthy feelings that are connected to our very existence work. A man cannot grasp the nature of the work, and he is in a hurry to blend in with this magical change in himself. He thinks he is dealing with a spring refreshment. He drops himself into the mountain and into the tree. And then it starts: In some there is a slight rush, in some there is a slight fear. But usually the surrender has also started. This change, in which extraordinary shades of emotions participate, begins with a sudden surprise. An upheaval of admiration immediately joins this. Love begins to flow like a river into this upheaval. These require a deep and enduring bed, and that's when the sense of attachment and loyalty begins to deepen its bed like steel that strengthens as it is hammered. And on top of that, a feeling of compassion that mothers only feel for their offspring fades. These occurrences take place sequentially in people who encounter with Yalıızardıç, no matter what class they are from. After that, it's up to fortune.
/hundreds of thousands
they came in bands
lined up
the great plain watched their streams for hours
They were in order and quiet.
the eagles began to fly in that area
those who came took their places
those who came took their places
those who came took their places
their heads were high
their calves fit their breasts were eager
hundred thousand means a majestic baby army in the empire
the muscles are in full line
the machetes are in full line
unbending wrists the arms with thick bezels hang like willow branches
while each soul touches the wisdom of the other hundred thousand souls being there at the same time on the same path of purpose and begins to realize itself as a single body consisting of the existence of those there
When Suleiman the Magnificent
starts to come on his white steed
a huge hand raises the great army
hearts and eyes suprise.
As time passes and the Sultan
moves across the souls purified in the same water
the hearts speed up
the presence like a single body consists of a single ‘eye’.
This is how the conquest begins. Do we understand the importance of means
in attaining divine grace
The conquests of the sultans are the expansion of veins and hearts
in front of Sheikh ul Islams, the opening of doors to people in lightless dungeons.
It’s important, but it’s still a first start.
All the doors of those who accept capitalist, socialist, imperialist and all
materialist chiefs as the last stage are closed.
/Despite all the changes in the weather, an eternal climate prevails in front of Yalıızardıç. When human heads think of that lonely tree, look at it, when they sit under its shadow, they walk towards it behind the animals they carry before them on sunny days, think far and near the tree, they get invitations that have transcendental luminescence in them. They try to understand the tree. They interpret it.
When they were alone with it, they quarreled internally. They told it about their rebellion, those who were afraid to forget their sufferings engraved their names and symbols on it. They were ecstatic at the way he protected the freshly engraved names, healing these seemingly incurable deep wounds, engulfing them in a slight swirl, ashamed of what they had done in secret, and opened up more to him, in the face of its effort that had brought them together starting from their memories.
That young lover left his village to cry in an environment where he was welcomed and walked for miles to reach it.
Seeing it from afar, he started running
When he reached it, he laid down under the branches at full length
Now it is like the school of conscience
Hunters also stay there. A stage for shepherds
A downward place even when climbing the hill
Yalıızardıç is big.
A person who reaches its shadow soon realizes its difference from other trees.
After a while, it begins to think about the reasons of the hills, curves, streams flowing into the plain as far as the eye can see, and the river lying on the plain with a silvery glow, the bright horizon and the silence. It is a nature that gradually leads people's horizons to the supreme prophet.
There is one once more one
Ali Sinan and Hasan
Before the sun rises
They set off.
Their mothers are hardworking women
They’re all clearing the same nomads
They prepared meatballs in the evening.
Cheese pie and a carboy buttermilk.
Those days to a distant village on rumour
All the people were going.
as it is said
A man with long white beard
hanging on the ground
gave nice words to those who came.
Ali Sinan and Hasan
On them salwars and baggy vests of the day
Richly dressed up
With leather flat-heeled shoes on their feet
They came across the stony fields
And arrived a place called tandoorhood
Rocks all along the stream
Formed marble-slippery slopes folds shapes hollowness.
There the waters are clear sweet always drinkable
And full of little playful fish.
Ours took a break
The sun is in the tandoor valley
He pressed his tongue and warmed the stones.
Ali is the strongest
Sinan is the smartest
Hasan is the smartest of them all.
These three friends were like three countries
Each from a different nature
Their phratry behind them.
The sweet sloping walls of the tandoorhood
It was like a fairyland
Its bends are reminiscent of wild animals.
hero somewhere
Rock accumulation like a warrior
A stick reaching forward in one hand
A rag on the other
Figures looking majestic but lifeless oppressed.
A forty-five year old shepherd of stone
who grazes his flock further
stood bent over the waters.
And hundreds more shapes
Some like people some like animals.
Ali in a leap
plunged his thick wrists into
making them reach the broken stone in the water.
With the pleasure of haphazardly breaking
They had fun for a while.
Before they start climbing
the high plateau called ‘Women’s Home’
They rolled
Huge boulders down the steep slopes.
Wandering through the tandoorhood
They sang folk songs
rippling with echoes
As their voices churned and returned to themselves in the valley
Sounds like they were coming out
From the rock-paved mouths of giants.
They took the way to the high plateau
By silencing of the coolness of the evening
and the fall of the night
They caught their breath.
Each tree is an elusive shadow
each spring
A circle running under the steps.
Insects ride in the forest, walk into it, drag and take it away
The humming is unbearable, the cries are intolerable.
And once in a while everything goes silent
The feet become completely debilitated.
When they lost the way
They also lost their hope to arrive
And had a break:
ali’s dream in the break
i see a big bread
i see ya i see
mom mom mom mom
I see another big loaf
i see and i see
mom huh mom mom mom
I took my biceps in my palms and sat down
the wind was peeling my flesh
my bones were escaping from my hand
mom mom huh mom mom
hasan’s dream in the break
my head is a dark threshold
with the incoming and outgoing breeze
pleasant smells naked bodies whispers that haunted
me a huge feeling appeared
found and beat me
my forehead got fever
come out, my bloodshot eyes
come out come out come my neck bones
(and my pupils are rotated to their transparent threshold)
swept away like storm birds
easy words what easy mother becoming
easy to dress
I was scolded I scared
I woke up
sinan’s dream in the break
there is a sound there is a voice a silent voice
stingy power calls me closed heart
and I can’t wake up I cannot wake up anyhow
you don’t say offer, your tongue is atrophied
If you are offered, destinations does not matter with you.
I’m in you
turn your eyes look
I am every destination I’ll pass
and I’m your last stop
you stayed on your mother’s breast
strong you went, Allah protected
wake up from sleep sit in fear read stupendously
The break ends that morning as the wind rises
As the trees, men rise
While every side bleeds to angel weaving
And as the souls rise
(A freezing frost
Like a blade that cuts all over
Wild and dividing by a few
While animals hanging about scraping
While flowing, in tensions in which dew grains are not held
Yes only It stops
Endurable only with It
And It
Only with It
Our door is open to the beyond, unreachable moments are reached.)
Hasan stood up with an intensive compassion in his heart.
Ali with an intensive compassion
Sinan stood up compassionately.
To flow to feel compassion to stand in tears
Sinan is a hero with his hand
Ali is a hero with his tongue
Hasan is a hero with his mind.
Sleep dreams and morning
When it is not noticeable the black thread from the White
Sinan called in the name of Allah
Now Hassan is at the forefront
Two pale yellow faces bent behind him.
Sinan changed with his dream
He sat in fear and read strenously.
Hasan changed with his dream
His eyes were drawn to the transparent thresholds of compassion filled with longing.
Ali changed with his dream
Gave up worldly affairs, was asked about love.
And they ran until sundown
And as the sun goes down
That eye gleamed and gleamed.
some more now)
All day They took breaks at noon and in the afternoon.
They almost died in the evening
With trees, with birds, with insects
They greeted wolves, birds, and the land.
The smells are real here.
Now the steppe attracts them
There’s no place without treading
Dervish foot treading on all sides.
There is breath on the plate of the earth
Taken from the right and up to the left and vastness:
Up to the left and down
The heart that receives as it is given is put
(O the lover, make zikri-shah
Heart without a companion cannot be reached)