While the tribal lords living in groups around Çukurova in a dispersed way attacked each other from time to time, they formed a unity among themselves since the 16th century. After the second half of the 18th century, the discipline and the order deteriorated. Because they live in a dispersed way, the control became difficult. There were indisciplines such as not paying taxes and not sending soldiers. They robbed the pilgrim caravans and stagecoaches, and turned to banditry by blocking the road. They began to create new problems for the state.
The Kozanoğulları tribe, which formed a strong family of Avşars, revolted in 1864. An army called "Fırka-i İslahiye" was sent under the command of Derviş Pasha, and the rebellion was suppressed. After this incident, some of the Avşars were exiled to Kayseri and Sivas. Some of them were placed in the inner parts of Anatolia. They faced with forced resettlement. The place of Avşar tribe is Çukurova. Dadaloğlu is the child of this region and this tribe. His place is the Taurus Mountains. From time to time, we also witness that it overflows outside of this space. Maraş and its surroundings have an important place in Dadaloğlu's poetry. It is not possible to give precise information about where Dadaloğlu settled at the end of the settlement incident. In one of his poems, he expresses the troubles of not getting used to new places and his longing for the highland life:
Yeter hey ağalar bu sitem yeter
Kuruçağ’a varınca guguklar öter
Gelin, kız kalmadı, hep sayrı yatar
Sehil yerde açılmıyor gülümüz.
Esmiyor garbisi, mucuğu çöker
Ağırdır gecesi, üvezi yakar
İçilmez suları, yosunlu kokar
Yaylaya yukarı dönsün yolumuz.
Dadaloğlu records a place with this poem. He expresses the distress of the tribe settled around Andırın. In another stanza of the same poem, he uses the expressions “Bayazıtlı kolumuzun tutağı/ Ahırdağı yaylamızın eteği”; he points out that they have close relations with the people of Bayazıt and Maraş. Dadaloğlu's place is highlands and mountains. The only place to be trusted for him is the mountains. He leans his back on these mountains and draws strength from them. He also watches the settlements from these mountains. The expression "I saw the Maraş province from the Ahır Mountains" indicates this fact. In his poem, Engizek is also mentioned along with Maraş and Ahırdağı. Dadaloğlu does not stop with them. With the expression "If you say Binboğa, the lord of the mountains", he gives a special place to the Binboğa mountains. He tells about Koçdağı, which is next to Binboğa. He establishes a relationship between these two mountains and draws attention to their features with the lines "Binboğa is also more grassy than Koçdağı/Winter wears white, summer has green fur". He moves north.
He records new places with the following stanza:
Ahırdağı’n erken geçin ağalar
Alışar çevresi bahçeler bağlar
Kısık’ın yöresi şol ulu dağlar
Karı yatar namlı namlı buzunan
He started to wander around the villages of Alisar and Kısık, which were within the borders of Elbistan, and now in Ekinözü. He came to the village of Ketizmen, which is at a distance of 3 km from Elbistan, and decided to go to Pınarbaşı.
He also includes the fights between tribes in his poems. Mürseloğlu Haydar Bey, the tribal lord of Reyhanlı, asks for land from Mirzaoğlu, the lord of Avşar tribe. This request is not fulfilled. Mürseloğlu and Mirzaoğlu fought. This war took place in Elbistan. Mürseloğlu was defeated. Dadaloğlu, the poet of the lord Avşar tribe, presents the story of this war. “Kavga temizlesin Elbistan düzü”, “Elbistan çakmaklı, firenk barutlu”, “Elbistan düzünde toy düğün ettiler” verses carries traces from this war. While talking about the tribal hero Apalak, he again circulates in this circle with the verse "Cehd edersem Elbistan’ı basarım". A part of the Avşar tribe was subject to forced settlement around Yozgat. Taking advantage of this forced settlement event, Memicioğlu wanted to seize the opportunity. He wanted to go to Binboğa, the highland of the Avşars. In the taşlama (satire) written on this event, the names of some places around the present Afşin district are mentioned. Dadaloğlu calls out:
Bire Memicioğlu unutma bunu
Lorşun benim derdin hani ya
Hunu Unuttun mu kuzum geçen günleri
Yalman kalpak geyer idi beyleri.
In a stanza, he uses the expression "When Bayazıtoğlu arrived Göksun". Also, in a verse, he records that "Right side Saracık, left side Reyhanlı". Probably, the word "Saracık" refers to Saraycık, which is within the borders of Göksun. Dadaloğlu turned the direction of his horse towards Maraş. He writes the verses “Pazarcık suyunda gönlüm bulanır/Ötüşür ördeği, turna, kazınan”. In another of his poems, he talks about a highland he had seen before and longed to see again. He says:
Çıksam baksam görünür mü
Başkonuş’un dağı şimdi
Yaylalarda dem sürmenin
Vakti geldi, çağı şimdi.
Dadaloğlu, who lived in the 19th century, has two veins. One of these veins is Köroğlu and the other is Karacaoğlan. He evokes Köroğlu with his valor, courage and agility. He praises the beauties he sees on the days when he is away from the fight and the noise. He expresses the love he has for them. It is possible to exemplify these two features as follows:
Belimizde kılıcımız kirmanı
Taşı deler mızrağımın temreni
Hakkımızda devlet etmiş fermanı
Ferman padişahın, dağlar bizimdir.
Dadaloğlu’m, yarın kavga kurulur
Öter tüfek, davlumbazlar vurulur
Nice koç yiğitler yere serilir
Ölen ölür, kalan sağlar bizimdir.
In these two quatrains, which we have presented as an example, his belligerent side comes to the fore. He keeps company with the beautiful women he sees in the following quatrains. He displays the love he has for them.
Gel ha güzel, gel ha, medhin söyleyim
Ağzın şeker, dudakların bal gibi
Yaşta küçük amma, boyda münasip
Sallanıyor bir fidanda dal gibi
Oturmuş ağ gelin taşın üstüne
Taramış zülfünü kaşın üstüne
Bir selamın geldi, başım üstüne
Alırım kız seni, komam ellere.